Stain away guide

How to remove that stain

Berry spots Remove with a clean linen cloth, water and a little ammonia or turpentine. Dab delicate and colored fabrics with pure alcohol. If necessary and possible, bleach with 3% hydrogen peroxide or with citric acid crystallines dissolved in hot water

Blood stains Dab off immediately with an absorbent cloth or paper. Wash out the rest with cold water or a layer of soap. You may want to soak the garment in a soda or saline solution.

Ironing stains (scorched areas) Can be fixed in most cases. Rub with light, hot, 5-10% vinegar or a weak borax solution and a linen cloth and, if possible, bleach with hydrogen peroxide

Butter stains Scrape off with a blunt knife and iron between two layers of kitchen paper. Then dab off with a flannel cloth soaked in detergent.

Cola stains Wash out with lukewarm soapy water.

Egg yolk stains It is best to wash them out freshly with lukewarm water or soapy water. Treat with alcohol or turpentine if necessary

Grease stains Dust thickly with potato flour and leave to work. Then brush out. In the case of linen fabrics, iron warm between absorbent paper or treat with benzine. Soak cotton fabrics for a few hours in skimmed milk and rinse well. First treat the wool with a fine brush or a terry cloth and a solution of 1 part ammonia and 8 parts water. Alternatively, use white spirit or a cooled solution of 25 g borax powder in 0.5 L boiling water. Always place a clean cloth underneath to catch the cleaning fluid and dirt. In the case of velvet, carefully rub out the grease stain with a flannel cloth soaked in turpentine.

Felt pen stains Process with alcohol or, with the exception of synthetic fibers, also with acetone.

Vegetable stains Wash out with soapy water or dab with alcohol. Possibly re-bleach. Rub spinach stains with a raw potato and rinse with warm water.

Grass stains Wash out with a solution of 0.5 l of hot water, 2 parts of alcohol and a shot of 5-10% ammonia. Pure alcohol or water with a strong dash of ammonia is also worth trying. Bleach white linen fabric with 3% hydrogen peroxide or with a solution of citric acid crystals.

Yogurt stains Let it dry and brush away. Wash out any edges with soap and water or with benzine.

Coffee stains Remove with plenty of warm water and a little soap.

Chewing gum stains Freeze the garment wrapped in a plastic bag. The gum that has hardened can then be easily removed. Treat any residues with acetone or petrol. Remove fresh gum stains with alcohol.

Cherry stains Wash out with simple soapy water or soak in buttermilk for about 10 hours.

Ball-point-pen stains Treat with soapy water, alcohol or ammonia. Soak old stains in the cleaning solution beforehand.

Liquor stains Dab with undiluted alcohol, if necessary treat with warm gall soap and rinse lukewarm.

Lipstick stains Dab with a cotton ball soaked in alcohol or turpentine. If the fabric allows it, bleach with 3% hydrogen peroxide or, in the case of colored fabrics, with a solution of citric acid crystals.

Jam stains Wash out with warm water or soapy water. Dab with alcohol if necessary.

Mascara stains Dab with lukewarm soapy water.

Fruit stains Sprinkle vigorously with salt and then wash out. Treat stains from cooked fruit with a warm solution of ammonia and water. Then soak for several hours in buttermilk with a dash of lemon juice and rinse thoroughly with water.

Perfume stains Treat with pure alcohol.

Peach stains Rub with glycerine and leave for a while. Then wash out with warm soapy water.

Powder stains Remove with a soft brush. Dab away any residues with alcohol or benzine.

Red Beetroot spots Rinse with lukewarm water or with lukewarm soap. Then dab it with 10% ammonia. If necessary and possible, bleach with 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Blush spots Dab with alcohol or benzine.

Chocolate or cocoa stains Wash with warm or, if possible, hot water, possibly also with soap. Alternatively, dip the stain several times in skimmed milk and rinse repeatedly with water. Another option is alcohol or glycerin to treat the stain. Then wash out with lukewarm soapy water.

Sweat stains When they are fresh, wash them out with lukewarm water. Otherwise treat with a solution of water and ammonia and rinse with a solution of water and white vinegar.

Mustard stains Wash in warm soapy water. If necessary, treat with water and a dash of ammonia. If necessary and possible, soak for a while in 3% hydrogen peroxide or citric acid solution and then rinse well.

Tea stains Remove with lukewarm soapy water or a solution of water and plenty of lemon juice or 10% citric acid. For older stains, possibly re-bleach with 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Tomato stains Remove with lukewarm soapy water or with water and a dash of ammonia or diluted alcohol. Soak older stains in warm soapy water with a dash of hydrogen peroxide.

Wax stains First immerse in cold water so that the wax hardens. Break the solidified wax stain into small pieces and remove. Iron out any wax residue between absorbent blotting paper or kitchen paper. Treat with turpentine, alcohol or petroleum ether.

Wine stains Wash out immediately with warm or hot water or with salt water. The stain can also be sprinkled with salt first and then washed in soapy water or treated with alcohol. Alternatively, soak the stain in warm milk and rinse with warm water and a dash of vinegar.

Toothpaste stains Simply wash out with lukewarm or, if possible, with hot water.

Sugar or syrup stains Rinse in warm or, if possible, in hot water.

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